5 p.m. Say, "I'm going to go take a shower." Go to bedroom to get clean clothes. Straighten covers on bed. Adjust window shade. Notice book next to bed that needs to be returned to library. Put book by door. Take clothes to bathroom.
5:06 p.m. Close bathroom door. Notice mirror that needs to be mounted on wall. Go get pencil, drill, drill bits, hammer, screwdriver, screw anchors, mirror clips.
5:11 p.m. Try to hold mirror steady on wall. Fail. Look around for ideas.
5:12 p.m. Find box of cat litter is right height to hold mirror. Mark position on wall with pencil. Drill holes. Find out holes are too small for screw anchors. Drill bigger holes. Fit screw anchors into wall, except for one that bends.
5:20 p.m. Rummage through junk drawer; find thin nail. Notice a couple of dishes that need to be washed. Wash them. Return to bathroom. Forget nail. Go back to kitchen to get nail. Insert nail in screw anchor, pound into wall, remove nail, finish mounting mirror. Put away tools and pencil. Yay! Ready to take a shower.
5:28 p.m. Return to bathroom. Pick up towel and realize you have laundry on the line that needs to come in before the dew falls. Put towel down and go out to bring laundry in.
5:31 p.m. Take clothes to bedroom #1, fold, put away. Take sheets to bedroom #2; put fitted sheet on bed and set the rest aside for later because, by golly, you need to go take a shower.
5:37 p.m. On the way back to the bathroom, notice a tube of Neosporin and an unsharpened pencil on the table. Put Neosporin back in the medicine cabinet; congratulate yourself on not getting distracted by the pencil, because you're on your way to the shower.
5:38 p.m. Notice cat litter tracked onto bathroom floor. Get broom and dustpan and sweep it up. Clean out litter box. Put away broom and dustpan.
5:42 p.m. Pull back shower curtain. Notice tub drain screen is dirty. Clean it. Throw paper towel in garbage. Notice garbage is full. Tie up bag, take out, put new bag in bin.
5:45 p.m. Take shower.