I had the truck all packed up with recycling and trash before I realized it was Thursday. The recycling center is closed on Thursdays. Change of plans.
So I put the truck in the garage and got out the chain saw. Rawrrrrr!
OK, it's just a little electric Remington with a 10" bar and a pole-saw option. But it does what I need -- it takes down trash trees that grow up along the brook and shade my vegetable garden.
Sharp eyes will note that the above "weed" is not a trash tree, but a catalpa. It's one of many babies our old catalpa generated before we had to have it taken down (professionally -- it was a double-trunk giant with power lines running through it). You can see another one growing up against the barn.
This baby was supposed to have been dug up and moved a few years ago, but somehow we never got to it. By this year, it had gotten too big to move and was growing up through the branches of an apple tree, shading one of my perennial gardens.

I was sorry to cut it down, but it had to go. Sigh ...
I had more fun tackling the overgrown honeysuckle bush with a combination of the saw and long-handled pruners, then hitting the stream bank and taking down what I think are ash trees.

I felled a couple of trees parallel to the brook and let them lie where they fell, but I cut most of them up into 15' to 20' sections and dragged them down back to the brush pile.
It's a job I've been putting off for weeks, but I'm glad I tackled it. (And I'm also glad I had extra-strength aspirin and a thermal wrap for my tendinitis -- one of the reasons I had procrastinated!)
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